Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Breathe in, breathe out. This is what I've been telling myself the past few days. The pressure has been building and today it broke it's limit. Everything from school to the movie-making, it's causing everyone some rough times. This is definitely not the icing on top of a cake more like I'm stuck down in a sewerage. Pressure, is hard to handle. But thank God for the friends I have. They have been supportive though we have our own opinions. But through all this, I have also learnt that I'm not the only one that can't make decisions. changing my mind every minute. That is habit everyone has got to loss.
Right now, I need something like dance to cool me off. Because I love to dance just for fun. I really badly wanted to enter the competition organised by Astro and Disney channel in conjuction with HSM 2. I want to dance. I don't mind cheering either. But sadly I can't even do that. It's because I have a shoulder problem which comes once in a awhile. But I did have my fair share of cheerleading. And this is coming from the bottom of my heart, practicing everyday under the hot sun, is killing but the end product when you are out there strutting your stuff to the crowd the feeling is undescribeable. It's a feeling of excitement and fun and enjoyment. I feel the same way with dance. You get to express yourself I guess, in short. Well, I like to say thanks to all those who checked in my blog and left a comment. And nanny na, don't worry, I'm talking bout you , Baby Teeba or Wish Lish. Anyway, till next time...ADIOS!!!


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